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Writer's pictureChewe

How Do I Apply Mascara To My Third Eye?

I recently started doing yoga and breathing exercises from a DVD I found on sale at Goodwill. I’ve always been an anxious and stressed person. I still am, but to my surprise, yesterday while watching the yogi do the Shavasana pose in the grainy film quality that handheld video recorders from the 90s have, I felt the weirdest sensation on my forehead. Much like when you pop a pimple and completely flush that bitch out in one go, I felt a new eye open. I’ve been told that it’s called the “third eye”, but I always thought it was more of an allegory than a reality.

Now I have this massive brown eyed monster cohabiting with my eyebrows, and I don’t know what I should do. After googling a few makeup tutorials, I found I could cover it up if I wanted, but I’m thinking of going with it. The extra eye is really growing on me, and it has 20/20 vision, which is better than my first two. I also feel an extra pair coming in on the back of my head, so I should have a full 360 view soon!

Update: Today I added some mascara and some of those diamond rhinestones at the edge to make the eye extra pretty. I’ve gotten stares all day and I’m loving the attention. Long story short, yoga is healthy for you!

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