This week, DC Comics announced that in an upcoming Superman: Son of Kal-El comic Superman's son, Jon Kent, will come out as bisexual. The new direction has been praised by fans and the LGBTQ community as a win for queer representation. Many comic book fans expressed their approval online in heartfelt posts relating to their own sexuality and experiences.
Representation is important. And that's why DC Comics continues to push the envelope with another exciting announcement about the heroic Super family. In a press release on Thursday morning, DC spokesman Trent Smallwood announced that a new series will also introduce Superman's cousin, Chaz-El, as the first open anti-vaxxer.
While some fans rushed to social media to call the surprise announcement "regressive" and "really, really dumb", DC maintains that Chaz-El will be an integral part of the comic series. "We believe that the nearly 66 million eligible Americans that have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus will really relate to Chaz and his vaccine misinformation." said Mr. Smallwood when asked "But why though?".
Writer for the new comic series, Sherly Conway, shared with Highbrow Lowbrow a sneak peek of some of the misadventures of Chaz-El. In Chaz's first appearance, the anti-vaxxer contracts Polio. "He's bedridden for the first seven stories actually." noted Ms. Conway. "After all, Chaz-El has refused every single vaccine that is available today including forSmall Pox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis A and B - you name it; he refused it! For Chaz-El it's all about freedom. The freedom to be infected and to infect others with a litany of contagious and deadly diseases." explained Conway.