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Animal Rights Win - 1 In Every 50 McDonalds 'McPlant' Burgers To Include Plant Based Bones

Updated: May 6, 2022

Science has come a long way. Creators of the plant based meat burger have announced they will add 'plant based bones' to 1 in 50 McPlant burgers. Their plan is to ensure vegan customers don't miss out on an authentic McDonalds eating experience. "Burger King beat us by being the first fast food restaurant to include a plant based burger, so we had to pull out all the stops for this one." Caroline Richards, Head of burger design, tells us. She went on to say "At first I was skeptical of putting bones in some of the burgers, but then I realized its the vegan equivalent of finding a golden ticket to the chocolate factory."

Of course there were some concerns over the purpose of creating a new kind of bone. "None of us wanted this, really. Like no one." Said long time vegan Brenda Martin. Though, through all of the criticism, McDonalds has stayed strong for it's Vegan customers who often get overlooked in the fast food industry. In regards to the other fast food chains, it would seem the ball is now in their court. It's only a matter of time before Wendy's will somehow manage to take it a step further. Updates to follow as we get them.

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